Monday, April 8, 2019

The Unholy Trinity, by Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh is a leading conservative commentator and provocateur.  His social media posts make the viral rounds, and his columns appear in The Daily Wire.  In The Unholy Trinity: Blocking the Left's Attack on Life, Marriage, and Gender, Walsh discusses these hot-button issues and calls on Christians to speak up for conservative Christian values.

The root of the problem is liberalism, which he boils down to self-centeredness.  The original liberal was Satan, and liberals continue to want to make their own way and reject moral norms.  Liberalism has distorted life, marriage, and gender.  Walsh offers a strong, no-holds-barred defense of conservative positions.

On abortion, he makes no compromise.  Life is life, no matter how it was conceived.  The liberal position, that a fetus is a parasitic bunch of cells, reveals the death cult that is liberalism.  He makes an argument I've never heard before, connecting the ubiquity of the birth control pill to the increase in divorce rates.  On one level, that's obvious, as the pill ushered in the sexual revolution.  But he takes it a step further, linking the alteration of women's hormonal makeup to larger changes in attitudes.  Feminist  celebration of reduced birth rates reveals the anti-family agenda of so many liberals. 

Walsh's arguments against so-called euthanasia are powerful as well.  "Death with dignity" is a total misnomer.  Another misnomer is "gay marriage."  There's no such thing, he writes, just as there's no such thing as a square circle.  Calling a gay couple married is a rejection of the very definition of marriage, making it meaningless, and opening the door to calling the union of any combination of people a marriage.

Another compelling discussion was his argument that transgenderism is a rejection of feminism.  The two positions must be at odds with one another, which makes the promotion of transgenderism by feminists particularly odd.  For decades, feminists have been arguing for the destruction of gender categories, but now we see people trying to claim a category into which they were not born.  If feminists argue that there's no such thing as a "female brain" because of equality, how can they argue that a biological male has a female brain?  Arguments become nonsensical.

Walsh has been called homophobic, sexist, and worse.  The crazy thing is that on these topics, his position was, until very recently in our history, mainstream.  I think he still is very mainstream, but most people are fearful of offending anyone today.  Not Walsh.  He calls out liberals and is not afraid to call what they believe evil.  I wish he backed his positions with more research and documentation, but his arguments are certainly strong.

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