Sunday, April 14, 2019

Jesusfreak, by Joe Casey

When you have no idea what to expect, you won't be disappointed.  That describes my experience with Jesusfreak, by Joe Casey and Benjamin Marra.  This graphic novel is a sort of retelling of Jesus' life and ministry.  That said, it has very, very little connection to the historical and scriptural accounts of Jesus' life.

I am a follower of Jesus, and I think he had a sense of humor, so I'm not completely opposed to literary presentations that take liberties with truth.  Thus, I won't go so far as to call Jesusfreak sacrilegious.  But it's neither very entertaining nor particularly inspiring.  They present a Jesus who is more Eastern mystic and kung-fu master than teacher, rabbi, or savior.

I was mildly interested, sometimes wondering if they were stretching for some crude allegories, but mostly I was just perplexed as to why they told the story they way they did.  In case you were wondering, don't buy this to give to the kids in your Sunday school class.  (Don't get me wrong, they in no way present this as a graphic novel version of the gospels.)

Jesus is Lord.  The details of his life and his interactions with the Romans during his life make for some interesting reflections about power and oppression.  Jesusfreak doesn't add to that conversation.

Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

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