Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Big Lie, by Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D'Souza has built a reputation as an author, filmmaker, and public speaker for defending conservative American principles against the onslaught of leftism that continues to spread in the U.S.  by exposing the lies and agendas of Obama, the Clintons, and other leftists, he has provided ammunition for people to oppose them.  In The Big Lie: Exposing the Roots of the American Left, he digs into he current expressions of liberal, progressive politics in the U.S. and shows their inextricable link to Naziism.

Does that sound outrageous?  Over the top?  Read the book.  Look at the history D'Souza lays out and judge for yourself.  The left is fond of calling Trump a fascist and comparing him to Hitler.  But what is fascism?  What did Hitler and the Nazi party stand for?  You'll see they have much more in common with modern Democrats than with Trump and the Republicans.  That's part of the Big Lie: using references to mean the opposite of what they actually mean.  A perfect example: Antifa.  They say they are fighting fascism while behaving exactly like fascists of the past and supporting literally fascist policies.

There are some important and troubling historical ties to support D'Souza's claims.  As the Nazi's were taking over Germany, they wondered about a method by which they could segregate a whole class of people within their own nation.  They looked to the example of the policies established by Democratic politicians in the U.S.  The second-class treatment of blacks in the U.S. and the displacement of Native Americans both provided great inspiration to the Nazis.  The concentration camps (the work camps, not the death camps) were like Southern plantations.  D'Souza attributes these policies to the Democrats who established them, and draws a line to modern-day Democrats.

It's amazing to hear how enamored American Democrats and liberals were with Hitler and Mussolini in the years leading up to World War 2.  Thank God that war exposed and defeated the evils of Nazism and fascism.  But the love of their political and social principles lives on in the Democratic party.  Thank God D'Souza is doing the good work of exposing the history behind the current political environment, and thank God Trump is working to defeat it.

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