Monday, January 15, 2018

Sex in a Broken World, by Paul David Tripp

Paul David Tripp is passionate about remedying the sexual brokenness in our world.  Sex in a Broken World: How Christ Redeems What Sin Distorts calls Christians to break away from the sexual chaos of the world around us and reclaim it for what it is meant to be: a reflection of the glory of God.

If you have read other Christian books about sexual ethics and related topics, you may be surprised about what Sex in a Broken World is not.  It is not a review of sex in media and culture.  Tripp does not discuss internet filters and accountability groups.  He does not give "sex-ed for married couples."

For Tripp, sexual issues cannot be solved horizontally.  It's all about the vertical--where our hearts stand with God.  "Our problem with sex begins when we forget that God must be at the center of this part of our lives as he must be with any other."  When we succumb to the sexual insanity of the world, we are putting ourselves in God's place, rejecting his sovereignty in our lives.

Our "sex insanity" is not a result of culture, entertainment, or the internet; it "reveals the disloyalty and rebellion of our hearts."  The key is a heart submitted to God.  "Sexual purity begins in the heart with a love for God that overwhelms all the other loves that battle for the allegiance of the heart."

In a way, some of the more popular recent books about sexual addiction, purity, and faithfulness are easier.  Draw boundary lines, make a plan, start a group, add a filter, avert your eyes, make more rules.  And I'm not sure Tripp would disagree with those books completely.  But Tripp's point is larger and greater.  None of the strategies or plans for sexual purity will mean a thing if our hearts are not turned to God.

People affected by or trapped in sexual insanity must work on the vertical before the horizontal, putting our reliance on God first, acknowledging that his commands are "kind, wise, and good," and believing that "only the heart-satisfying riches of the grace of Jesus can protect and free you from the deceptive and dissatisfying 'riches' of this fallen world."  Sex in a Broken World is a strong and welcome call to return our hearts to God.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

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