Monday, May 4, 2020

Prayer Revolution, John Smed

There are plenty of books on church growth, urban ministry, and revival, and I don't think John Smed would dismiss their usefulness and insights. But in his book Prayer Revolution: Rebuilding Church and City Through Prayer, he calls on Christians and the church at large not to neglect the central role of prayer in their work and outreach.  He writes, "Only God's almighty power is sufficient to revive the church and rebuild the city.  All our preaching, teaching, programs, and outreaches are half-hearted until ignited by prayer."

Smed, a former pastor who heads Prayer Current, an organization that promotes discipleship and evangelism through prayer, saturates the book with examples from scripture.  Prayer was central to every move of God among his people.  For example, in the book of Acts, he points out that "every advance began with prayer, bold witness followed, and the fellowship grew in numbers and strength."  And looking at prayer in Paul's writings, "we need no further proof that prayer is at the heart of every effective endeavor to expand Christ's church." 

If we want to see revival in our homes, churches, communities, nation, it must begin with a revival of prayer in our hearts.  Further, our prayers should look outward, beyond our "private and personal concerns" to the safety and protection and spiritual health of our cities.  Most of the book is inspiration to embrace Smed's biblical vision for prayer.  He saves the more practical "how to" for an appendix, "How to Implement Kingdom Prayer for Church and City."  His is a welcome, crucial message for Christians and churches everywhere.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

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