Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Justice Game, by Randy Singer

Randy Singer does not hesitate to explore controversial topics in his legal fiction.  In The Justice Game, the big issue is gun control.  When a popular TV news figure is murdered on the air, her husband looks to sue the maker of the gun used in the shooting.  As the case heats up, the lead lawyers on each side of the case turn out to share a history, having worked for the same powerful law firm at different points in their careers. 

Each of them has secrets from their past which they would rather keep secret.  But they both receive threatening messages from a blackmailer who wants to manipulate the case.  Follow his demands, or the secrets will come out!  As in his other novels, Singer shows a strong talent for taking legal ideas and courtroom settings and making them dramatic.  But despite the drama, I had a harder time with this story, as compared to Singer's other stories. 

The Justice Game tries really hard, and is a decent story, but it's not as compelling as some of Singer's other novels.

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