Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Billionaire at the Barricades, by Laura Ingraham

Donald Trump doesn't have many cheerleaders in the media more enthusiastic than Laura Ingraham.  The Fox News personality jumped on the Trump train early and has remained a vocal supporter.  Her book Billionaire at the Barricades: The Populist Revolution from Reagan to Trump looks at the movement that put Trump in the White House, starting a generation ago with Reagan and the movement he created.

Ingraham's walk through the last several decades of presidential history brings the modern populist movement into clear focus.  It's a walk down nostalgia lane, and a look at several presidential administrations through a unique lens. 

Trump's popularity and ultimate election can be attributed to many things, but his speaking to and for the working class and middle class voters sealed his place in politics.  As Ingraham points out, Trump is not an ideological conservative or libertarian.  He's a pragmatic businessman who wants to do what is best for American workers, workers who have felt like they haven't had a president looking out for their interests for many years.

Trump is far from perfect, but America is better off with him at the helm than with Hillary.  Ingraham reminds us of Hillary's contempt for many Americans, we "deplorables," which only follows from her boss Obama, who said we're clinging to our guns and religion.  Trump may be self-destructing his administration with every ill-advised tweet, but when he does manage to push through his agenda items and get his appointments confirmed, America wins.  Here's hoping for four more years!

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