Brian Gordon is an experienced parent and say he is ready to "spread a little bit of wisdom I've gained through trial and error. Mostly error." Among his words of advice, he writes, "try the cathartic act of bitching about your children by drawing them as ducks." That's exactly what he does in his
Fowl Language Comics. In his latest collection
Fowl Language: The Struggle Is Real every parent will find the familiar experiences of parenthood.
Most of the comics are laugh-out-loud, read-to-your-spouse funny. I saw my kids and my wife is many of Gordon's comics. One caveat: many of the panels contain pretty bad language. Rated R. It's funny, but you don't want your kids to read it. But that's what makes it funny. He'll use the bad language and then scold his kids for the same: "'Poophead?!' Hey! We do
not use that kind of language in this house!"

Pick up
Fowl Language: The Struggle Is Real, or check out his comics on his web site. If you're a parent, or if you have parents, you will crack up when you read these.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!
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