Wednesday, February 1, 2017

41 Will Come, by Chuck Tate

Chuck Tate founded Rock Church in Peoria, Illinois, in hopes of reaching people who were not accustomed to church.  His laid-back, humorous style, which draws from plenty of pop culture references and real-life examples, is abundantly evident in 41 Will Come: Holding On When Life Get Tough--and Standing Strong Until a New Day Dawns.  Noting the significance of the number 40 in the Bible (Noah: rain for 40 days; Moses: 40 years in the desert; Israel: 40 years in the wilderness; Jonah: preached at Ninevah for 40 days; Jesus fasting in the desert for 40 days; etc.), Tate encourages us that no matter the trial, "The number 41 represents the dawn of a new day--the hope and promise the if you don't quit . . . your fulfilled vision is right around the corner.  Your 41 will come."

Most of the book is structured around David's experience, facing off against Goliath.  For 40 days, the giant taunted the army of Israel.  On day 41, David has his day, trusting God to help him slay Goliath.  Tate gives seven "keys to help you only on when life gets tough and stand strong until a new day dawns."

  1. Know your enemy.
  2. Embrace your cause.
  3. Smash fear in the mouth.
  4. Shake of doubts and doubters.
  5. Prepare in order to receive a payoff.
  6. Word up!
  7. Attack!

Tate is that kind of preacher and writer who is super encouraging, super positive, and super personal. 41 Will Come is heavy on biblical examples.  Besides the David and Goliath story (from which Tate draws more sermon material than most preachers would ever dream) he spends plenty of time in the New Testament.  However, as strong as Tate was on biblical sources, he was rather light on the gospel and weak in theology.  Now, this is not a theological treatise, of course, but the end result felt more like a self-help style positive thinking kind of book.  This feeling was only bolstered by Tate's quotes from the modern master of that style, Joel Osteen.

Who is 41 Will Come for?  I think it's for Christians who have trusted Jesus for salvation, but have allowed life's challenges and set backs to discourage them.  As Tate has done, as David did, as others whose stories Tate tells have done, Christians can turn to God for help and stand strong in his strength.  If you like your teaching personal, high energy, positive, and encouraging, Tate has the message to pick you up and help you stand.

Thanks to the Tyndale Blog Network for the complimentary review copy!

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