Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Great Destroyer, by David Limbaugh

If you can read this book and not wish with all your heart that Barack Obama would not be reelected, you have some delusional problems.  David Limbaugh (yes, he's Rush's brother) lays out a case against Obama that should be enough to convince anyone that Barack has got to go.  In The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic, Limbaugh picks apart the Obama presidency and reminds the reader why his election was a bad idea and bad for America.

Most of the events and issues Limbaugh discusses in The Great Destroyer will be familiar to any reader with a passing interest in current events: the Gulf oil spill, Fast and Furious, the ongoing financial crisis, etc.  But Limbaugh brings things together to show connections, and takes the stories deeper than a newspaper article or op-ed typically can.  You may have heard some of Obama's speeches Limbaugh writes about, but by putting them in context and putting them alongside the greater body of Obama's work, he brings out Barack's true colors.

Obama's far-left views are bad enough, but hypocrisy, deceit, and determination to tear this country down are astounding.  Limbaugh shines a light on "the bullying, the class warfare, the demonization of opponents, the narcissism, the rigid dogmatism" that come from Obama.  Several times while reading, I just had to laugh aloud.  I hope that history will look to Limbaugh's perspective, not that of the fawning media, for Obama's legacy.  But I doubt it.  Thank you, David Limbaugh, for being a voice in the wilderness.

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