Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Screens and Teens, by Kathy Koch

Kathy Koch's book Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in a Wireless World sounds like a book about dealing with kids and technology.  It is that, but the more important part of the title is the subtitle, "connecting with our kids."  Koch, founder of Celebrate Kids, addresses electronic devices, social media, and related topics, but the overarching message is timeless: spend time with your kids.

Dr. Koch certainly has plenty to say about kids and electronic devices.  Plenty of problems can arise when kids use electronics addictively, abusively, or inappropriately.  Kids need to understand the limits of knowledge gathered through social media or internet sites.  They need to find their value in Jesus, not in the approval of online strangers or peer groups. 

Ultimately, whatever electronics kids have in their lives, parents can and should pay close attention to their use and model responsible usage.  More importantly, as Koch writes, parents must work to keep doors of communication open with their children.  Kids have access to so much information and so many connections that parents must pay attention and provide guidance and direction for their kids.  Dr. Koch's book will give you ideas to help you do so.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

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