Monday, July 8, 2013

Unconditional, by Eva Marie Everson

Earlier this year, my friend Brent McCorkle wrote and directed Unconditional.  If you haven't seen it, you should.  It's a beautifully filmed, well-acted, inspiring tear jerker.  Eva Marie Everson's novelization of the screenplay captures the spirit and essence of the film.

Sam Crawford, a children's book author, is still grieving her husband's murder three years after the fact and decides to take her own life.  Her suicide is interrupted when she comes to the aid of a little girl who was the victim of a hit and run.  Through the little girl and the girl's brother, she runs into her childhood friend Joe Bradford.  As they rekindle their friendship, and as Sam sees Joe give his life away for the children in his neighborhood, Sam is inspired to go on living, resume her writing, and live for others.

Sam learns the lesson that even though the skies are cloudy, the sun is still there shining, and when we walk on the clouds we can enjoy the sun.  In the same way, clouds will come in life, but that doesn't mean God has forgotten us or ignores us.  We can change our perspective and reset our vision to him, above the clouds.  A secondary, but related message is that when we live our life for others, our own problems and pains tend to pale.  I am sure I am not the only one who needs to be reminded not to focus on myself!

Unconditional, both the movie and the book, has a great message which inspires the reader/viewer without being preachy and without the easy answers of so many Christian movies.  I am intrigued by Joe Bradford, the real-life inspiration for Unconditional.  I'd like to know how much of the story is based on true events.  I loved the movie and would recommend it to anyone.  The book does a nice job of fleshing out the great story of the movie.  Pick it up.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary review copy!

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